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Arched launch TV'' OLED'' from Samsung


Announced " Samsung" for the launch of TV " OLED " curved , which is the first of its kind.TV features " OLED " arcuate advantage of the view rich colors باللمسة the natural 20 % better and more accurate contrast ratio by 50% compared with other high-definition products HD technology .It also features a new TV super characteristics such as property development , " multi-display " " Multi View " , which allows users to watch two different presentations at the same time on the same screen .And contain a TV screen "OLED" thousands of diodes light-emitting self ( self - emitting diode ) and which delivers brighter images and richer in color compared with the televisions currently available in the market.It also has this TV quickly high response thus eliminating the cluttered picture and sound , due to the installation of points pixel light-emitting self on the panel color display directly , there is no need for a purification colors nor the backlight to form gradients optimal black and white.Worked " Samsung " , taking advantage of its expertise in display technology , to enhance image quality in the new TV to achieve a comfortable viewing experience with rich colors and high-definition images .It also has TV " OLED " curved metal frame provides a viewing experience similar to the theaters and arenas spectators oval - shaped .This design attracts the panoramic to the attention of television viewers to a lifelike image accuracy and provides comprehensive focus on the screen in all its parts and angles , for consumers to enjoy the panoramic effect which is not provided by traditional flat-panel TV screens .Special FeaturesIn addition, television has "OLED" 
special features
 such as curved " property Evolution Kit. " The feature allows " multi-display " users to watch two shows different clearly (Full-HD) and a three-dimensional on the full screen at the same time , using active glasses three-dimensional " 3D Active " that come with headphones built to provide a surround sound " stereo " high purity.And operate these lightweight glasses to isolate one of the presentations available on the screen to achieve continuous viewing experience without interruption, and also enables the user to switch between different presentations at the touch of a button .Contains TV "OLED" is also the latest features TVs Samsung smartphones, such as the user interface " axis smart " organized recreational programs within three lists easy to use : the list of " social media " and a list of " electronic applications " and a list of " photos, videos and music."